Tides of Passion (1956)


6 (9)

国家/地区: 法国, 意大利
类型: N/A
导演: Jean Stelli
编剧: Gilbert Dupé , Antoine Blondin , Serge de Boissac

语言: French
演员: Etchika Choureau , Jean Danet , Alfred Adam , Dora Doll
片长: 88 分钟
奖项: N/A
又名: Når kvinder elsker (丹麦) , Gejagte Unschuld , Feira de Mulheres (巴西) , Gejagte Unschuld (奥地利) , La foire aux femmes , Kvinnomarknaden (瑞典) , Tides of Passion (美国) , La foire aux femmes (法国) , I limni ton gymnon koritsion (希腊) , Naismarkkinat (芬兰)

剧情简介: In her small village in Vendée, Ludvine, an orphan, is in love with Jean-Pierre, but he is jealously guarded by her woman employer. On the day of the \"Fair of Women\", a traditional event where young men can choose the girl they fancy, Jean-Pierre picks out Ludvine.
