主演: 阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯  戴夫·查普曼  格雷瓜尔·鲁迪格  布鲁诺·洛歇  科拉莉·吕西耶  英迪亚·海尔  大卫·马赛  RaphaëlQuenard  RoméoElvis   备注: HD中字 类型: 喜剧片 导演: 昆汀·杜皮约   地区: 法国 年份: 2020 语言: 法语 时间: 2021-03-27 21:24 一对头脑简单四肢也不发达的一些吃喝玩乐、不务正业的朋友,在山和水都到了尽头无路可走陷入绝境吃空气之际,惊喜地发觉后备箱里出现了一只巨大无比的苍蝇。于是他们决定尽己所能驯化这只珍奇异蝇,为己所用视为己出,进行蒙骗欺诈梦想发财。鬼才导演昆汀·杜皮约继《鹿皮》之后的最新荒诞喜剧力作,更有阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯颠覆女神形象疯癫出镜。撕掉沉重的吊诡标签,随巨蝇宝贝儿满载笑声自由飞翔,来一场轻松愉悦的怪奇之旅。

2021.3.15 small note

”For Hawks, there is only the male and the non-male: in order to be accepted into the male universe, the woman must become a man; alternatively she becomes women-as-phallus (Marylin Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes). This disturbing quality in Hawk’s films relates directly to the presence of woman; she is a traumatic presence which must be negated.” (Johnston 138)

One small liberating moment for me - to be freed from the mainstream audience and look closely to the very nature of female masculinity. Is that female masculinity in disguise of what is truly the very nature of phallocentrism? Yes, if you are talking about Howard Hawks, specifically in Bringing Up Baby (1938) and His Girl Friday (1940).
