The Wall (1983)


8.1 (4027)

国家/地区: 法国, 土耳其
类型: 剧情
上映日期: 1986-06-20
导演: Yilmaz Güney
编剧: Yilmaz Güney

语言: Turkish | French
演员: Tuncel Curtiz , Ayse Emel Mesci Kuray , Malik Berrichi , Nicolas Hossein
片长: 117 分钟
奖项: 1 nomination.
又名: Duvar , El muro (Duvar) (西班牙) , Güney\'s The Wall , De muur (比利时) , The Wall , Muren (挪威) , A fal (匈牙利) , Стената (保加利亚) , Стена , Le mur (法国) , La rivolta (意大利) , Duvar (土尔其) , Le mur (比利时) , Ο τοίχος (希腊) , The Wall , Mur (波兰) , Die Mauer

剧情简介: Teens in a Turkish prison struggle to survive under hideous conditions. Made by dying Yilmaz Guney in France, after he escaped from a Turkish prison, enabling him to accept his award at Cannes for Yol (The Road). When the Turkish superstar leading man turned human rights activist, Guney was convicted for pro-Kurdish political activity and murder, by the Turkish military regime. Director/writer Guney\'s last film, Duvar (The Wall), was banned in Turkey for 17 years. The incarcerated teens organize and fight back, brutalize each other, exult over the smallest triumph, while joking, suffering and learning from the inhumanity they wallow in. The prison also separately houses men and women, many played by other Turkish expatriates.
