
华盛顿邮报 (2017)

The Post
88 位订阅者


7.2 (142570)

国家/地区: 美国
类型: 剧情
上映日期: 2018-01-12
导演: Steven Spielberg
编剧: 丽兹·汉娜 , Josh Singer

语言: English
演员: Meryl Streep , 汤姆·汉克斯 , Sarah Paulson , 鲍勃·奥登科克
片长: 116 分钟
奖项: Nominated for 2 Oscars. 21 wins & 113 nominations total
又名: Untitled Steven Spielberg Pentagon Papers , Le post (加拿大) , Doušnik , A Pentagon titkai (匈牙利) , Czwarta władza (波兰) , The Post: Los oscuros secretos del Pentágono (阿根廷) , The Post (英国) , Pentagon Papers (法国) , The Post (葡萄牙) , The Post (印度) , Ha\'eaton (以色列) , The Post , Novine (克罗地亚) , Valstybes paslaptis (立陶宛) , Akta Pentagon: Skrytá válka (捷克) , Die Verlegerin (奥地利) , The Post (澳大利亚) , The Post: Los Archivos Secretos del Pentágono (智利) , Вестник на властта (保加利亚) , The Post (爱尔兰) , Die Verlegerin (德国) , Секретне досьє (乌克兰) , Novine (波黑) , The Post (加拿大) , The Papers , The Post (土尔其) , ペンタゴン・ペーパーズ 最高機密文書 (日本) , The Post: Los oscuros secretos del pentágono (哥伦比亚) , The Post (意大利) , The Post (新西兰) , Секретное досье (俄罗斯) , The Pentagon Papers , The Post: Los oscuros secretos del Pentágono (秘鲁) , Bi Mat Lau Nam Goc (越南) , The Post: Απαγορευμένα μυστικά (希腊) , The Post: Los oscuros secretos del Pentágono (墨西哥) , Zamolčani dokumenti (斯罗文尼亚) , 郵報:密戰 (中国台湾) , Post: Apagorevmena Mistika (希腊) , Απαγορευμένα μυστικά (希腊) , Apagorevmena Mistika (希腊) , The Post: Aféra v Pentagone (斯洛伐克) , The Post: A Guerra Secreta (巴西) , The Post: Secretele Pentagonului (罗马尼亚) , The Post: Los oscuros secretos del pantágono (智利) , Salajased paberid (爱沙尼亚) , The Post (美国) , Los archivos del Pentágono (西班牙) , The Post: Los oscuros secretos del Pentágono (乌拉圭) , Slepenie dokumenti (拉托维亚)华盛顿邮报 (China)

剧情简介: When American military analyst, Daniel Ellsberg, realizes to his disgust the depths of the US government\'s deceptions about the futility of the Vietnam War, he takes action by copying top-secret documents that would become the Pentagon Papers. Later, Washington Post owner, Kay Graham, is still adjusting to taking over her late husband\'s business when editor Ben Bradlee discovers the New York Times has scooped them with an explosive expose on those papers. Determined to compete, Post reporters find Ellsberg himself and a complete copy of those papers. However, the Post\'s plans to publish their findings are put in jeopardy with a Federal restraining order that could get them all indicted for Contempt. Now, Kay Graham must decide whether to back down for the safety of her paper or publish and fight for the Freedom of the Press. In doing so, Graham and her staff join a fight that would have America\'s democratic ideals in the balance.
2017,电影,美国,剧情,华盛顿邮报 (China),
