Jack the Ripper (1959)


6.2 (738)

国家/地区: 英国
类型: 犯罪, 恐怖, 悬疑, 惊悚
导演: Robert S. Baker , Monty Berman
编剧: Jimmy Sangster , Peter Hammond , Colin Craig

语言: English | French
演员: Lee Patterson , Eddie Byrne , Betty McDowall , Ewen Solon
片长: 84 分钟
奖项: N/A
又名: Lääkärin salaisuus (芬兰) , Jack the Ripper , El destripador de Londres (阿根廷) , Jack o anterovgaltis (希腊) , 霧の夜の戦慄(1960) (日本) , El destripador de Londres (墨西哥) , Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (奥地利) , Jack the Ripper (英国) , Jack, o Estripador (巴西) , Jack the Ripper (美国) , Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder , Karın Deşen Jack (土尔其) , Jack lo squartatore (意大利) , De vrouwendoder (荷兰) , Jack l\'éventreur (法国)

剧情简介: In 1888, Jack the Ripper is on his killing spree. Scotland Yard Inspector O\'Neill is pleased to welcome to London his old friend Sam Lowry, a New York City detective who has come to visit him and is only too happy to help out with the case. Sam becomes attracted to Anne Ford, a modern woman for the age, but her guardian, Dr. Tranter doesn\'t quite approve. The good doctor also seems to be out when the Ripper murders occur. As the population edge ever loser to taking the law into their own hands, the police slowly close in the killer.
