主演: 卢克·威尔逊  威尔·法瑞尔  文斯·沃恩   备注: HD 类型: 喜剧片 导演: 托德·菲利普斯   地区: 美国 年份: 2003 语言: 英语 时间: 2020-01-20 17:21 米奇·马丁(卢克·威尔森LukeWilson饰)、弗兰克·理查德(威尔·法瑞尔WillFerrell饰)和伯纳德·坎贝尔(文斯·沃恩VinceVaughn饰)是三人自大学时期就感情笃深的死党。毕业后数年,他们有了各自的小圈子,但心中对友情的看法始终没有改变。某晚,米奇回家后撞见女友正在大开性派对,他愤怒之下搬了出来,并落脚在母校附近的一幢屋子中。与此同时,弗兰克和伯纳德各自的生活也出现问题,他们相继聚到米奇的寓所。伯纳德打算仿照大学宿舍的模式,将这里设立成不被世俗侵扰的兄弟会。  大学的生活没有约束,十分安闲随意,又没有该死的校规限制,这让三个大男孩找到久违的快乐……

搬到新住所后 兄弟们开始大闹玩乐 而他自己ons的对象居然是老板上高中的女儿
为了让Mitch振作精神 Bernald成立了兄弟会
也就是从这里开始 lots of fun

Fraternities and sororities (from the Latin words "frater" and "soror", meaning brother and sister respectively) are fraternal social organizations for undergraduate students. In modern usage, the term "Greek letter organization" is often synonymous with the terms fraternity and sorority. Typically Greek letter organizations are single-sex, initiatory organizations with membership considered active during the undergraduates years only. The organizations may sometimes be considered mutual aid societies, providing academic and social activities. Some groups also maintain a chapter house, providing residential and dining facilities.

A good laugh. Loads of fun.