主演: 哈莉·贝瑞  本杰明·布拉特  莎朗·斯通  朗贝尔·维尔森  弗兰西丝·康罗伊   备注: HD 类型: 动作片 导演: 皮托夫   地区: 美国 年份: 2004 语言: 英语 时间: 2019-11-17 12:21 帕蒂恩斯(哈莉•贝瑞HalleBerry饰)本来过着平凡满足的日子,她在一家化妆品公司担任美术设计师,是众人眼中潇洒的未婚白领。但是,在这座充满罪恶的城市,厄运正慢慢向帕蒂恩斯袭来。一次偶然,帕蒂恩斯发觉了公司的老板乔治(兰伯特•威尔逊LambertWilson饰)和他的妻子劳雷尔(莎朗•斯通SharonStone饰)从事的罪恶勾当,随后劳雷尔派出杀手将帕蒂恩斯杀害证人以毁灭口供了。这时,奇迹发生了,帕蒂恩斯曾经救过的一直埃及猫出现了在她眼前,原来这只猫竟然是猫神!猫神为了报答帕蒂恩斯,用魔法将她复活了。帕蒂恩斯复活后发觉自己的身体有了巨大的变化,她获得了一股神秘的力量,不仅动作敏捷、触觉灵敏,她还变得身怀绝技。于是,帕蒂恩斯化身为猫女,向这个城市的罪恶宣战。

Halle Berry罕有地亲自到金酸莓颁奖现场领奖,视频中哈莉·贝瑞手持奥斯卡发表精彩爆笑的获奖感言,一一感谢了相关电影公司、经理人、编剧、导演、剧组人员、表演老师,并回忆儿时母亲曾教她”失败乃成功之母“的道理,甚具娱乐精神,给大家留下深刻印象。勇于承认失败,这也是哈莉·贝瑞亲自到颁奖现场领取金酸莓的主要原因。
获奖视频 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTI0MjIyOTc2.html
获奖感言 http://lybio.net/tag/halle-berry-accepts-razzie-award/

Halle Berry for cat woman.


I don’t even know why I’m here so
It’s alright tell me please.
No really. I’m – I’m late for work, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even –
You should come back anytime
We’re always here.

Ladies and Gentlemen Halle Berry.

[Halle Berry (August 14, 1966)] Source: LYBIO.net
Oh my gosh. Oh my god. Oh, oh my god. I I’m (We Love You) Oh my god. Thank you guys, thank you so much. I never in my life thought I would be up here. Winning a Razzie! I mean, it’s not like I ever aspired to be here. But thank you. Oh gosh. And no, I don’t have to give this back, it’s got my name on it! But wow. You know, I’ve got so many people to thank, because you don’t win a Razzie without a lot of help from a lot of people.

So please indulge me, and just let me go through this. First of all, I want to thank Warner Brothers. Thank you for putting me in a piece of shit, god-awful movie. Ahhhhh! You know, it was just what my career needed, you know? I was at the top, and then Catwoman just plummeted me to the bottom. Love it. It’s hard being on top, it’s much better being on the bottom.

I want to thank my manager, Vincent Cirrincione… Vince, come here, here’s my manager, Vincent Cirrincione. I want to say… no, no, listen… this guy loves me. He loves me so much. He loves me so much that when he tells me that I’m the greatest actress there ever was… he loves me so much that he convinces me to do projects even when he knows they’re shit! But that’s how much he loves me. That’s how much he really loves me. And my only advice to Vinnie is: Next time I do a movie, if I get a chance to do another movie, um maybe you should read the script before you read the check. Just counting the zeroes behind the one really isn’t enough. You really gotta read the script. Thank you. I love you man, I love you.

Um, I want to thank my agent, and my lawyers, who obviously don’t give a shit; they’re not here tonight. But love you guys, love you! Um I want to thank the writers, all 20 of them. Thank you for thinking this was a good idea. Obviously, it wasn’t, but I appreciate the thought. You thought it was, you tried. Hey, thank you.

Um, I want to thank the cast. You know, it’s really important, in order to give a really bad performance like I did, you need a lot of bad performers around you. So I want to thank all of them, for being bad right along with me. One of them is here, Alex Borstein. Come on out, Alex. Thank you. You know what? Happiest moment of her life. One of the things about Catwoman, the great things about Catwoman, one of the best things about Catwoman is that I got to make some really wonderful life-long friendships and this lady is one of them. And you know what? I want to thank you for every single day, looking up at me, and telling me that I was doing a great job, that I was the best Catwoman you ever saw. I want to thank you for lying straight to my face every day. Thank you, thank you.

[Alex Borstein]
You’re welcome.

[Halle Berry] Source: LYBIO.net
You know in Hollywood, they lie behind your back, but she lied straight to my face. Love that, I love that. Thank you, thank you. Now beat it.

I also want to thank our director, Pitof, you know, that one-name French guy? Thank you very much. It was a joy to come to work every day and work with him, really. I mean, I didn’t know what the hell he was saying, but — I’m sure it showed in my performance — but it really was a pleasure. And I also want to thank my acting coach, Ivana Chubbuck, she wrote a book called The Power of the Actor, you all should rush out and get it. Could change your life too.

And in all serious, OK, I’ve had enough fun joking, I want to really tell you why I’m here tonight. Really. I’m not exactly sure, really, I’m still trying to figure it out but um, because when I was a kid, my mother told me, if you could not be a good loser, there was no way you could be a good winner. If you weren’t able to take criticism, then you were not worthy of getting praise.

So, I ventured into my career of acting, and I started off in beauty pageants. That’s probably another good reason why I’m here tonight. Um, started off in beauty pageants, and I won the first three in a row. Just won ‘em. I got to the Miss USA pageant, and there I was on the stage with the first runner up. And I was there, and she was there, and one of us would win. She was this buxom, blonde, blue-eyed Texan. And I looked at her, and I thought “Oh God, I’m probably gonna lose.” Sure enough, they called the winner, it wasn’t me, it was her. I looked at her, and all I could hear was my mother’s voice, in my head, and I thought “OK, here’s my chance.” But all I wanted to do was fuckin slap the shit out of her.

So, as you can imagine, I want to fuckin slap the shit out of these Razzie people that brought me here tonight. But I won’t do that. I’ll do what my mother taught me, and I’ll stand here graciously. I’ll take the criticism, take it as a lesson learned. And I hope to God I never see these people ever again. Thank you all.