主演: 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊  艾米莉·布朗特  阿什利·詹森  迈克尔·凯恩   备注: HD 类型: 喜剧片 导演: 凯利·阿斯博瑞   地区: 英国 年份: 2011 语言: 英语 时间: 2019-11-08 18:22 蒙塔古太太和凯普莱特先生是一对互相嫌弃的老邻居,他们一个将房屋全部漆成蓝色,一个漆成红色。各自的花园里则居住着两个矮人精灵家族,与主人们一样,蓝色与红色精灵家族也是一篱笆之隔的生死冤家,平日里他们是陶瓷摆件,没人时便开始打个不是你死,就是我活双方斗争非常激烈。一天夜里,红色家族首领的女儿朱丽叶(艾米丽·布朗特EmilyBlunt配音)偷偷前去寻找一朵有魔力的奇异兰花,不巧却碰上了蓝色家族的勇士吉诺米欧(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊JamesMcAvoy配音),一场争夺之战却好象有鬼神在支使着一样,不自觉地做了原先没想到要做的事地在奇异兰的催化下演变成电光火石的爱情萌芽。从此,两人展开了秘密的热恋,彼此相爱的他们也开始对两家的世仇质疑起来。但是这时,红蓝家族间的战争却已愈演愈烈,应对着高高的篱笆与无休止的硝烟,两个小人的爱情是否仍旧无法逃脱早已被莎翁写好的剧情呢?本片创作灵感来源于莎士比亚的有名戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。

吉诺密欧 | -


朱丽叶 | -


巴黎 | -


内特 | -



有趣和可爱的一个经典故事的扭曲,虽然这有点另类,但我不介意埃尔顿约翰的音乐。动画师在花园里的植物和所有的花园地精石膏质地好的工作。奇怪的是,固体雕像可以变得如此灵活而不会裂开。3D是一种很酷的,但不是必需的。这是一个有点奇怪怎么没注意到邻居的小巷去什么。电影海报是可怕的侏儒困倒在草。我很喜欢这部电影的糖果的甜味,但不想经常吃。(Lafe Fredbjornson评)

用Marxism评论Gnomio and Juliet
We are all familiar with the great tragedy of Shakespeare, this romantic story about two young people of two contradictory family fight for their love. Although the ending of the story is actually sad, both Romeo and Juliet died for each other, it was still told through generations.
Today, the XXX Company has a new version of Romeo and Juliet to tell. The name of this movie is Gnomio and Juliet. The setting has been removed from the Italian city of Verona to the backyards of two elderly people. The Red gnomes live in the old woman’s backyard and the Blue one live in the old man’s backyard. Just as in the original story of Romeo and Juliet, they fight with each other for lands and reputation. Gnomio act as the prince of the Blue family, and Juliet is the Princess of the Red. One day Juliet is determined to pick a beautiful flower to rise the reputation of her family. Wearing a mask, she accidentally ran into Gnomio, who was wandering within that area. They happen to fall in love with each other. And their relationship causes many troubles and they finally give rise to the “family war”. It was a disastrous war and both family are seriously hurt. Gnomeo and Juliet, both trying to protect their families and their lovers, are buried under the ruins. When the Blues and the Reds and the child audiences are thinking of that tragic ending of the Romeo and Juliet, the ruins start to shiver slightly, and then the most moving part of the movie comes, Gnomeo and Juliet help each other out of the ruins and hug and kiss each other, and their parents finally decide to reconciliate.
That’s the plot, to me the story was, well, not funny or moving at all. But by seeing it from the perspective of a Marxist, the comparison of the old and new version of Gn/Romeo and Juliet is quiet interesting.

From plot, the only difference of these two stories are their ending. In the Shakespeare version, Romeo and Juliet both died, leaving both their families and the readers a unpalatable sorrow. However, when it was invested to be movie, the ending was forced to make a 180°turn ——neither Gomeo nor Juliet died, they survived even without a single scratch! They broke the principles set by their parents, they stepped out of their territory without mentioning anyone, they secretly date with their enemies, knowing that they are causing trouble for themselves, and for their family. In China, these actions could lead to punishment or even banishment, but in a capitalism society, they praise the movement of individuals who strikes alone in pursuit of a goal not easily achieved. By romanticize their actions, as in the case of the movie Gnomeo and Juliet, they exert an ideology what our people the proponents of Marxism oppose. Gnomeo and Juliet are exchanging their safety and the family honor for love of their own. They are putting “me” above “us”. In a sophisticate and overpopulated society, say, China, this could mean putting self-interest upon the survival——of individual and the country. The and the sad truth is that these ideology are nibbling biting up the mind of the next generating bit by bit, in a natural way, with the usage of the mass media.