La Grande Bouffe (1973)


7.2 (12648)

国家/地区: 法国, 意大利
类型: 喜剧, 剧情
上映日期: 1973-05-22
导演: Marco Ferreri
编剧: Rafael Azcona , Francis Blanche

语言: French | Italian
演员: Marcello Mastroianni , Michel Piccoli , Philippe Noiret , Ugo Tognazzi
片长: 130 分钟
奖项: 2 wins & 1 nomination
又名: 最後の晩餐(1973) (日本) , The Great Feed , Wielkie żarcie (波兰) , La grande bouffe , Голямото плюскане (保加利亚) , La Grande Bouffe (美国) , A Comilança (巴西) , Большая жратва , De grote slokkers (比利时) , Brakfesten (瑞典) , Das große Fressen , La gran comilona (阿根廷) , Blow Out (英国) , Blow-Out , A nagy zabálás (匈牙利) , Saigo no bansan (日本) , La grande bouffe (墨西哥) , Etegildet (挪威) , La grande abbuffata (意大利) , Το Μεγάλο Φαγοπότι (希腊) , La Grande Bouffe (英国) , La grande bouffe (法国) , La gran comilona (西班牙) , Das große Fressen (奥地利) , Det store ædegilde (丹麦) , Suuri pamaus (芬兰) , To megalo fagopoti (希腊) , The Big Feast , A Grande Farra (葡萄牙) , De grote schranspartij (荷兰)

剧情简介: Four middle-aged friends and members of the professional bourgeoisie, Ugo, a chef and restaurant owner, Marcello, an incorrigible womanizer and Alitalia pilot, Michel, a delicate television producer, and Philippe, a venerable magistrate, gather for a debaucherous weekend at the latter\'s Parisian villa. There, as the four men prepare for a Romanesque feast, truckloads of fine food and wine arrive, accompanied by three elegant and lithe prostitutes. Without a doubt, the rapacious and degraded hedonists are determined to eat themselves to death, one elaborate morsel after another, nevertheless, for what reason?
