Bridge Over the Elbe (1969)


5.1 (70)

国家/地区: 意大利, 西班牙
类型: 剧情, 战争
上映日期: 1969-07-23
导演: León Klimovsky
编剧: Adriano Bolzoni , Lou Carrigan , Antonio Fos

语言: Italian | Spanish
演员: Tab Hunter , Howard Ross , Erika Wallner , Claudio Trionfi
片长: 94 分钟
奖项: N/A
又名: Quel maledetto ponte sull\'Elba (意大利) , The Legion of No Return , Den fortabte legion (丹麦) , Le pont sur l\'Elbe (法国) , 1944 - Die Brücke über die Elbe (德国) , Attack utan återvändo (瑞典) , I mahi tou potamou Elva (希腊) , Kirottujen legioona (芬兰) , Top Secret - Attack utan återvändo (瑞典) , Quando os Homens São Homens (巴西) , No importa morir , De beslissende aanval (荷兰) , No importa morir (西班牙) , Bridge of No Returns (菲律宾) , Bridge Over the Elbe (英国)

剧情简介: End of World War II. The allies have reached the Rhine. The US command decided to blow up a bridge across the Elbe to prevent the Soviets to occupy Germany. Sergeant Richard was entrusted with this dangerous mission. He names five soldiers who will accompany him. During the night the commando parachuted near the bridge .
