主演: 周采芹  肖恩·康纳利  吴珊卓  温明娜   备注: HD 类型: 纪录片 导演: 陈苗  希拉·梅达利亚   地区: 大陆 年份: 2019 语言: 国语 时间: 2019-09-18 21:42 “人生本是戏”,艺术和生活的界限模糊了一个上海名门之后的海外闯荡,一个超逾时代的女性偶像,她就是周采芹TsaiChin!从变成首位轰动西方的华裔邦女郎,到蜚声好莱坞的华裔演员,她历经繁华,也尝尽苦涩。周采芹刻入骨髓里的坚毅与傲气,使得耄耋之年的她,仍在表演艺术上坦荡无畏地续写传奇……

Some nice lines : My life Philosophy is always freedom and independence. Freer you are. The more responsible you are. I know I was Somebody who is not going To be some faithful wife. She was not a sort of kind of woman’s man. Two women always appear in my mind. Anna karenina and madam Curie. I choose to be the latter. Because I like to hearing claps. Writing certainly is one of the most creative things to do. You have got to express yourself and by expression you release a lot of emotion. She is a cat when eyes closed but a lion With eyes wide open.
