主演: 海顿·潘妮蒂尔  保罗·鲁斯特  杰克·卡彭特  劳伦·伦敦  劳伦·斯多姆   备注: BD高清 类型: 爱情片 导演: 克里斯·哥伦布   地区: 加拿大 / 美国 年份: 2009 语言: 英语 时间: 2019-09-18 20:44 布法罗格林高中迎来每年一次的毕业典礼,呆板木讷的男孩丹尼斯·库夫曼(保罗·鲁斯特PaulRust饰)作为学生代表上台发表讲话。令所有人都对发生的事感到十分意外的是,这个毫不起眼的家伙竟然在聚集很多人的公开场合之下向校花——啦啦队长贝丝·库珀(海顿·潘妮蒂尔HaydenPanettiere饰)说出“我爱你”三个字。对丹尼斯来说,这不过是了却了自己的一桩心愿,剩下的事就是和好哥们里奇(杰克·卡朋特JackCarpenter饰)快乐地度过毕业晚会。不过当晚贝丝竟带着两位姐妹淘来到丹尼斯的身边。当然,尾随前来的还有贝丝上气不接下气,狼狈不堪十分荒张或恼怒的男朋友。一番混乱之后,丹尼斯和贝丝等五个人冲了出来。开始了难忘而美妙的夜晚……  本片根据拉里·道尔(LarryDoyle)的同名原著改编。

That story ... wait, let’s call it lack of story, is where the film’s numerous problems begin. Oh, the party scenes are authentic enough, but those are just background drops for what should have been something about opposites attracting. Instead, we get a fitfully unfunny script and a series of nonlinear sketches that forget to include any character development.

With the exception of a funny and inventive towel-snapping sequence, most of the humor in the film is too violent or too cruel. A scene featuring Beth’s regular boyfriend, Kevin, beating up Denis, isn’t funny in the least, and it runs on and on. (On the plus side, Shawn Roberts, who plays Kevin, makes for a formidable screen presence.) Rarely has a major studio film felt this slapped together, without any regard for cohesive storytelling. With its inclusion of an uncalled-for raccoon joke, you have to wonder if the root of the problem is that the filmmakers saw “Caddyshack” too many times.
