• 提问者杨益昌

  • 近期获赞1918

  • 浏览人数11918人

  • 更新时间2020-07-80 18:17:88



像一束阳光Like a beam of sunshine像一束阳光Like a beam of sunshine

英文原文:you can only live brilliantly if you know how to love yourself.只有懂得爱自己了你才能活得灿烂。英式音标:[ju?] [k?n] [???nl?] [l?v] [?br?li?ntli] [?f] [ju?] .

1. 履行,表演 8. 履行的,执行的 7. 完成任务 8. 特定目标都能满足,基本活动都得到执行

自己玩得开心 近义短语:have a good time youself.

很长时间没见你了 这很灿烂

brilliant解释如下:抄 adj.巧妙的;使人印象深的;很成功的;聪颖的;技艺高的 n.宝石;钻石 复数: brilliants 派生词: brilliance n. brilliantly adv.What a brilliant idea!真.

Laye[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 莱 Lee的变体; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Laye [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 莱 Lee的变体 再看看别人怎么说的。


glisten to shine by reflection with a sparkling luster.see synonyms at flash 反光:由反. v.intr.(不及物动词) glit.tered,glit.ter.ing,glit.ters to sparkle brilliantly; glisten.see .

or英 [??(r)] 美 [?r] 连词. 或者,否则,不然,(用于否定句,提出两种或多种事物时)也不还是,或是,OR手术室(operating room)[例句]It shone brilliantly for a week .

light [lait] 基本翻译 n. 光,光亮,灯 v. 点燃,著火,变亮 adj. 轻的,光亮的,容易的 网络释义 Light:光照牢度|清淡的|指示灯 green light:绿灯|允许许可.|绿灯,认可,准许.

意指:你就像是那照亮我心房的暖阳。还原:youOre like the warm sun, thatOs shining . shining in my heart brilliantly, youOre certainly like the warm sun.

My life shines brilliantly with only one sincere friends.



the king of the jungle丛林之王jungle[英][?d???gl][美][?d???ɡ?l]n.(热带)丛. 复数:jungles例句:1.I think jones captured jungle warfare brilliantly. 我认为琼斯把握.

they drive me crazy man。!

glare 光亮平滑的表面glitter 闪闪发光, 闪烁 (闪光点较小)glint 闪闪发光, 闪烁 (闪光点较大)gleam 发微光; 闪烁 (一道光线)glisten 闪耀; 反光glow 白热光; 呵.

如题还有incompetent的 和enormous的 谢谢

直接加ly就可以了 brilliantly 灿烂地,出色地;灿然

ot up very early, and everything around was very quiet. the sun had just risen, shining brilliantly; everything seemed to be covered with a layer of golden silk. there were only .

华灯初上when the evening lights are lit更多释义>>[网络短语]华灯初上 Across from;Hua deng cu shang
