Naked Singularity (2021)


4.4 (766)

Country: N/A
Genres: Comedy, Crime, Drama
Release: 2021-08-13
Director: Chase Palmer
Writers: David Matthews

Language: English
Stars: John Boyega , Olivia Cooke
(II) , Bill Skarsgård , Ed Skrein
Runtime: 93 min
Awards: 2 wins
AKA: Naked Singularity (United States of America) , Naked Singularity (United Kingdom) , A Naked Singularity , Naked Singularity 裸奇点 (China)

Plot: An idealistic young New York City public defender burned out by the system, on the brink of disbarment, and seeing signs of the universe collapsing all around him decides to rob a multi-million drug deal of one of his clients.
2021,movie,N/A,Comedy,Crime,Drama,裸奇点 (China),
