The Birthday Cake (2021)


4.2 (597)

Country: United States
Genres: Crime, Thriller
Release: 2021-06-18
Director: Jimmy Giannopoulos
Writers: Diomedes Raul Bermudez

Language: English
Stars: Shiloh Fernandez , Val Kilmer , Ewan McGregor , William Fichtner
Runtime: 93 min
Awards: N/A
AKA: The Birthday Cake (France, French Republic) , The Birthday Cake (United Kingdom) , The Birthday Cake , The Birthday Cake (United States of America)生日蛋糕 (China)

Plot: The Birthday Cake begins with the 10th anniversary of Giovanni\'s father\'s death, Giovanni reluctantly accepts the task of carrying on the family tradition of bringing a cake to the home of his Uncle Angelo, Brooklyn\'s last Mafia boss, for a celebration. Just two hours into the night, Giovanni\'s life is forever changed and he\'s forced to grow up after witnessing murder, violence, chaos and the truth about what happened to his father.
2021,movie,United States,Crime,Thriller,生日蛋糕 (China),
