Stop-Zemlia Official Trailer

Stop-Zemlia (2021)

TV Series

7.5 (52)

Country: Ukraine
Genres: Drama
Release: 2021-03-01 (Berlin International Film Festival)
Director: Kateryna Gornostai
Writers: Kateryna Gornostai

Language: Ukrainian
Stars: Maria Fedorchenko , Yana Isaienko , Oleksandr Ivanov
Runtime: 122 min
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations
AKA: 快停下,泽米莉亚 (China)

Plot: An introverted high-school girl Masha sees herself as an outsider unless she hangs around with Yana and Senia who share her non-conformist status. While she is trying to navigate through an intense time of the pre-graduation year, Masha falls in love that forces her to leave her comfort zone. From a debutant Ukrainian director Kateryna Gornostai, a deeply personal story about self-discovery and the patience it requires.
2021,TV Series,Ukraine,Drama,2021-03-01 (Berlin International Film Festival),快停下,泽米莉亚 (China),
